1. UnZip this template to this path:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFlight Simulator 9Flight One SoftwareText-o-MaticTemplates
- *Note your path to FS2004 may be different
2. Process this template using Text-o-Matic to create a new, ready-to-fly 727 aircraft with this livery on it.
3. Complete instructions for using Text-o-Matic can be found in the manual for the 727.
This file is provided free of charge but a copyright of the work is claimed by the authors.
You may use or modify this image, but only for use with the GA727.
This image may not be used, whole or in part, in any product other than the GA727, and may not be uploaded to any sites other than or without written permission from the authors.
If I've made any gross errors or oversights, please let me know. Hope everyone enjoys this repaint!
Dave Jones
Fort McCoy, Florida USA