Installing Mod:

1. Make sure your instalation of Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos has been
updated with the F14.6 patch. This patch may be downloaded from or from
2. Install the Multimod Mod if you have not done so already. Multimod can be
downloaded from or from
3. Unzip the Ultimate Freefrom Mod into your 'mods' directory. To repeat,
UNZIP the mod into your 'mods' directory. Most mods for IWar2 are left in their
zip files. My mod is different for two reasons. One, new music files do not work
from within a zip file, and two, having the files out side a zip file will make
the mod much more efficient for patching.
4. Copy and paste the following keybinds into your control config file. If
you use a joystick, this file is configs/default.ini. If you only use a keyboard,
this file is configs/keyboard_only.ini.
Keybinds to be copied and pasted:

; Ultimate Freeform Keybinds

Keyboard, G

Keyboard, H

Keyboard, J

Keyboard, K

Running the Mod:

On the main EoC menu, first hit the 'extras' button. Turn off all mods except
for MultiMod. MultiMod is required for the Ultimate Freeform Mod, so it must
be active. Then activate Ultimate Freeform from the scenarios menu, and click
'run scenario.' On the Ultimate Freeform main menu, click 'New Game' to begin
a new game.

One quick note:

When the mod is active, do not press esc unless you intend to quit. Under certain
circumstances, the 'resume' button will not work and will crash the game to desktop.