nstall this in the Mods folder of your Civ 4 game directory, not the one in My Documents. This is because of a bug which prevents the small building and unit icons from showing up correctly in the city bar when you're building them if the artwork is in the My Documents folder. Unfortunately, this also applies if you put them in CustomAssets. Putting the appropriate buttons in your Civ 4 game directory and the rest of the mod in CustomAssets should probably work though.
Because the Sutist and Vaalkazian missionaries use the same models I haven't been able to get the effect that you see when you spread their religion in a city working correctly for both of them simultaneously. So for now the Sutist symbol shows up but no effect shows up with the Vaalkazian missionary. I may need the SDK to fix this.
This mod and my Alt City Names change one of the same files so since I intended to use them together this mod contains my Alt City Names city list. If you would prefer to use the default city names I've attached the file you need at the end of this post. Just replace the Civ4CivilizationInfos.xml file in Alt Religionsassetsxmlcivilizations with that one.
All of the text is in English only, but there's not much of it.
I didn't make new movies for the founding of religions. They all use Christianity's movie. I also didn't add wonder movies for the shrines. They just use blank screens.