Installation Instructions:

1) Extract the zip into the folder named Data that's located in your Oblivion game folder.
2) Open OblivionLauncher (Standard Oblivion Shortcut)
3) click on 'Data Files'.
4) Enable The_Kingdom.esp.

Important if you are umgrading from Alpha 1: Please delete the old plugin and use the new one. If you load a game that has the old plugin saved in it, it will give you an error on load. As long as you are not saved inside any of the plugin content (Flavrium, Drifund, etc...) you won't experience an error. The "The Lost Explorer" quests will begin again like it did the first time.

Uninstallation Instructions:

1) To delete The Kingdom Alpha 3 from your computer, remove The_Kingdom.esp from you Oblivion/Data directory