Unzip the archive into the Oblivion/Data directory (preserving the subdirectories). Check the Damarask mod in the oblivion loader.
The new nifs and textures will go into meshes/Dremora and textures/Dremora so they can be easily deleted on uninstallation.
I highly recommend the use of Zephranthes' The Complete Dremora with this mod. It is by no means necessary to use it, but it makes the dremora skin textures look infinitely better, and can be found at http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=3518
NOTE: This version does not appear to play nice with all previous versions. Some of the main square items (the bloodgrass and statue in particular) may be incorrectly placed, and NPCs may not be correctly updated. Quests (including the general quest that controls dialogue and crime) may not be started. It's a pain in the arse, but you may have to load from a save with old versions disabled (feel free to use the cheat door, the early quest bits haven't changed).