Released on 05-20-2005
Map By: Serzoni

A Half-life 2 Deathmatch map set in a war-torn part of City 251.

A clan memeber made this map, but be warned, this map is a beast and brings some videocards to tears. You can see the dramatic change in framerates in the screenshots. Serzoni tried to optimise the map as much as possible, but on high graphics settings, it's not only beautiful, but deadly.

Settings used in screenshots (on a Giabyte NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT, not overclocked):

Resolution- 1024x768
Model Detail- High
Texture Detail- High
Water Detail- Reflect All
Shadow detail- High
Antialiasing mode- 4x
Filtering mode- Trilinear
Shader Detail- High
Vertical Sync- Disabled
Resolution- 1024x768

Extract the contents of to
C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/youraccountname/half-life 2 deathmatch/hl2mp/