===============Robot Wars v1===================
By Hellbound (DecompressionPeriod) and Firerain

The Robot Wars map is finally finished. Before you play the map you should read the following stuff. The map is initially quite dark but before you start moaning about it go inside the control rooms where you obviously control your robot where it is not dark.

The Rules

Recommended player per server limit: 3
Player roles: 1 Judge, 2 Robot Creators and drivers.

It's fairly simple, two people create robots and then battle it out in the arena, if nobody has been destroyed (so they are unable to move around significantly) or pushed over the edge/into the pit/flipped out of the arena, then the judge decides the winner.

Judge Powers
The judge also has a large amount of say over the following things:

Now, the judge chooses who wins the fights, and then takes the place of the winner and fights the loser, the winner becomes the judge. However you could just do a simple rotation of each player as the judge. You most likely won't want to lose your robot if you lose a fight, so remove ALL THRUSTERS FROM IT and leave it somewhere in the build area, this is to reduce lag caused by thrusters.

Check the Garry's Mod forums for a download of the map