-by David Kitts (WillyDavidK)

This map was designed for SourceForts, a mod of Half-life 2: Deathmatch. www.sourcefortsmod.com
To install, extract the .bsp to steam/stemapps/sourcemods/sourceforts/maps.

Alright so this is the first map I've made specifically for SourceForts. It's more deatiled than most,
and I spent WAY too much time on it IMO. But hopefully that will turn out to be agood thing. The
lighting is a bit extreme and can tend to cause low fps when looking out into the field.

To server admins:
If you yourself are experiencing excessive fps-lag or anyone in your server is complaining
of lag, please use the console command "r_dynamic 0" (w/o quotes) to disable dynamic lighting.
Note that you may have to instruct any clients that are suffering from this as well to do
this themselves. Also the map is slightly larger than steam's dl limit, so anyone wanting to join your server
will need to download the map from hl2files or another site and install it first.

I personally came up with the "scrim arena" idea, and the point of this is for people who get tired
of build mode to go jump in the tele and have a "scrim" with someone from the other team.
Upon entering, you are stripped of all your weapons and have to pick up a physgun and crowbar
on the wall (to the left). Afterwards, you drop into a pipe that launches you inside the arena, which
is filled with randomly distributed props and there are 5 light sabers for each team! The saber does
11 damage per second and is held with the physcannon, but watch out! you can easily hold it
backwards and end up killing yourself! Also if you really do want to kill yourself, there is a pit in
the center of the room (which is very prettyful) with many large spikes at the bottom that are bound
to do you some damage.

Thanks for checking out this map, and I hope you like it.

Any questions, concerns, suggestions, or complaints, my aim is baptizdindrpeper and msn/email is davidks107@msn.com
