Inevitable Conflict by Chris 'Plutonic' Blundell
A map for Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
//Map information
Map Name: DM-Inevitable Conflict
File Name: DM_InevitableConflict.bsp
Version: 1.0
Game: Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
Date released: 8th January, 2005
Game type: Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch
Player load: 4 to 8 players
Designer: Chris 'Plutonic' Blundell
E-mail: plutonic@plutonicdesign.com
Website: www.plutonicdesign.com
A factory complex somewhere in the wastelands outside City 17 - free of the attention of the Combine, but full of dangerous people none the less. The open and varied nature of the environment provides for some intense battles.
//Installation instructions
Place the DM_InevitableConflict.bsp file in your
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch maps directory:
X:SteamSteamAppsACCOUNT-NAMEhalf-life 2 deathmatchhl2mpmaps
My intention for this map was to create a varied game play environment that included both open and close-quarters combat with considerable potential for z-axis battles. The variation in the map is designed to allow for effective use of all the HL2DM weapons.
Thanks to Neoduck, Geo and Mr Bond and the HLFallout.net crew for testing this map.
This map was created by Chris 'Plutonic' Blundell using Hammer and Half-Life 2 assests.
Designers may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Chris 'Plutonic' Blundell reserves the right to be recognised as the sole designer of this map.
You have permission to redistribute this map with two conditions:
- this text file is kept with the map
- Chris 'Plutonic' Blundell is recognised as the designer
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