Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Title: HL2 DM - The Factory
Author: Drakon(David L.)
E-Mail: Iceweasel44@hotmail.com
No website.

Filename: dm_thefactory.bsp
File size:
Date Released: April 22, 2007
Credits: Valve, for Half-Life, of course.
Installation Instructions: Just put the BSP in
(Drive Letter):SteamSteamApps(Account Name)half-life 2 deathmatchhl2mpmaps
Of course, replace (drive letter) and (account name) with whichever drive HL2
inhabits, and whatever your account name is in Steam.

Description: A medium sized deathmatch map, taking place in an old factory.

There is to be no copying or modifying of this map without credit.