Title : Palace
Filename : palace.bsp
Author : M0rt@nius
Address : M0rtanius[AT]msn[DOT]com
Description : This is a Quake 1 map e4m4 "The palace
of hate" converted into Half-Life
format. All the textures are from
Quake also. The map has 10 spawn points
and 2 teleporters (watch out not to be
telefregged ;)). It also contains some
secret areas that could be opened by
shooting something.
Special Thanks to : ID software for Quake and Valve for
Play Information
Single Player : No
Deathmatch : Yes
Cooperative : No
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : Yes (Extract into sound/ambience)
New Testures : Yes (All compiled into BSP)
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
Base : Quake's e4m4 map "The palace of hate"
Editor used : Worldcraft v3.5
Known Bugs : There is a "crack" in a wall in one of
the red halls that you can see through.
If you know how to fix it, let me know.
Build Time : ~4 days of on and off work.
To play this level, extract the contents of the zip file into
your half-lifevalve directory and then start the game.
Start a deathmatch server and type "map palace" or "changelevel
palace" in the console. To test it out in single player mode
start Half-Life with hl.exe -console, hit the console button and
type "map palace". If you put this on a DM server, let me know
por favor.
Copyright and Permissions
You may distirbute this archive freely as long as you keep the
structure of this archive intact and you don't modify any of
the files in this archive.
Let me know what you think of this map. Feedback, good or bad
would rock.