City Block 2.0
Author: Moose O Death
contact me on:
compile time: roughly 60 minutes for sdk compile using Athlon64 3700+, 1.5 GB's ram
cubemaps build time: HDR, about five minutes. LDR, around 60 seconds (51 total cubemaps) compiled with x800Pro
total players: 32 (16 + 16)
Take out either site A or site B, resistance may be heavy.
try to stay low while planting, surveilance indicates the walls are high enough to conceal you but not protect you
try using the rooftops, or the sewers to get to site A, site B is right next to that hotel your all in.
counter terrorists:
we've had reports of a potential terrorist threat in your area, intelligence indicates they may make a move on two small villa's in your area.
needless to say your being charged with stopping them, we're issuing you with whatever you need for this op, if there is a threat, neutralise it!
copy cityblock2.bsp cityblock2.nav and cityblock2.txt to the maps directory in your counter strike source directory.
run cs:s and start a server on the map cityblock2, recomended that you set torch to enabled if you want to go on a sewer crawl
2.0 notes
far improved skybox, both visually, and technically.
improvements to visleafs, which should speed up some machines with lower end gpu's
the inclusion of HDR lighting, which should slow the higher end machines back to match the lower end machines
both LDR and HDR cubemaps have been built, no favouring one tech with me.
removed a couple of bits and pieces around the map, like the smokestacks, to help performance.
the sewers no longer contain water, it was water in skybox or in the sewer, not both.
the AI is much smarter this time, they actually use the roof (they could before, they just didn't) they are really tough now that the full three angles of attack are utilised
the problem with every bot trying to use the same ladder/stairwell/narrow spot still exists but with three directions to choose from it's not as bad.
i value input about how this map plays so if you've read this far i want to hear from you, post in the comments section, anything you feel would add to the map.
there will be one more revision to this map, it will undergo a name change, and will be fully cluttered (tables, beds, bottles etc.) it MAY include some custom textures.
all input i receive will be considered, i particularly want to know whether you want the water in the sewers or the lake. as it will affect the new maps name, the potential new textures
and various other facets of revision 3.0
if you want to re-distribute this map the following conditions must be met
i'm credited as the author: Moose O Death
you let me know by emailing me and i agree.
under no circumstances will anyone disassemble this map, except me after steam dies again, as it does.
i want to see my map on servers, so please if you enjoy the map mention it to others, if you know of other mod sites who host this kind of stuff send me an email on and i'll try there too.