Albino Creature Pack
This is a skin pack that UltraPredAlien came up with the idea so I made the skin set.
To install extract the files to there corresponding folders.
Albino Tiger-------------------------> programfiles/lionheadstudios/B&W2/data/ctr/btiger
Albino Lion -------------------------> programfiles/lionheadstudios/B&W2/data/ctr/blion
Albino Cow -------------------------> programfiles/lionheadstudios/B&W2/data/ctr/bcow
Albino Wolf -------------------------> programfiles/lionheadstudios/B&W2/data/ctr/bwolf
Albino Ape -------------------------> programfiles/lionheadstudios/B&W2/data/ctr/bape
In each of the folders is 2 pics of both Evil and Good of the creatures, the Neutral skin was left the same.
If you have any requests or questions reach me by sending me an Email to or just post on Black & White 2 modding forums in my thread EvilLion911 skins and requests.
Hope you enjoy this skin pack! Sincerely, EvilLion911