Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folderMods" folder.

Most components can be turned on and off in the Unit Statistics Config.ini.

There is also a button on the upper left side of the main interface that starts the unit statistics screen. If you don't want the button, simply remove CvMainInterface.py from the mod.

Combining this mod with other mods

To incorporate this mod into another one, copy all files into the other mod's corresponding folders.
If there a several files with the same name, check if there are differences between the files. If there aren't, just use one.
If there is already a CvCustomEventManager.py in the other mod, check the example-file CvXXXEventManager
to see how you can modify the CvCustomEventManager file of the other mod to create a file parallel to CvUnitStatisticsEventManager.
You can load this newly created/modified file by adding a single line in this mod's CvCustomEventManager (appr. line 34).

I won't explain how you can merge several CvGameCoreDLL.dll files. It is explained in the CivFanatics Forum, but rather complicated (in terms of programs needed).
For those who know how to do it: The required files are in the SDKfiles folder, all changes have been commented.
search for //unitstats additionstart and //unitstats additionend.

if you want to play the mod without the CvGameCoreDLL.dll, download version 1.33, which allows you to disable it.