Extract the contents of the archive to your data folder. Say yes when it asks if you want to overwrite. Activate the mod in the Oblivion launcher. If you use Thieves Arsenal, the fix for the googly eyes in it is inside the labeled folder. If you can't use 3.0 shaders, I apologize, a 2.0 shader fix is upcoming. Use Wrye Bash for best effect, just in case.
If you need a compatibility patch, use the labeled one instead of the normal BP ESP and instead of the ESP that comes with the other mod.
For Better Redguards: For users of TNR, position any TNR ESPs you have at the top of your mod list. (You don't have to activate them, for users of Wrye Bash) Load the BR-containing version of your choice below the TNR ESPs. (Or at the top of your mod list, if you don't use TNR) The TNR - Redguards is included in BR, so TNR - Redguards is redundant. Use Wrye Bash's patching feature, as explained in the Wrye Bash documentation. In Better Redguards, the proper tags have already been added. BP WILL need to be checked.
If you have a race-changing mod that clashes with BP:
Exnem's body mod DOES work with Beautiful People without any special changes. Most body mods don't. This one does. Thanks, dev_akm, for telling me of this! However, there are no textures in Exnem's default mod for many of the races included.
No other mods that modify races in ANY way at all, cosmetic or otherwise, will work with Beautiful People. This excludes texture replacers.
To make race-changing mods (Including body mods!) compatible, I recommend the latest version of Wrye Bash. Wrye has full instructions in Bash's documentation. You will have to add the correct tags to whichever version you use, even the compat. patches. Apologies for that. I'll fix it eventually, but it's easy to correct in the meantime.
However, the custom races may not be affected by this. You may have to find versions of the races with whatever body mod loaded to fix them.