Readme File:
Soulstorm-Mobilize for war
Version 1.4


2.1. Changes 0.0-1.0
2.2. Changes 1.0-1.1
2.3. Changes 1.1-1.2
2.4. Changes 1.2-1.3
2.5. Changes 1.3-1.4
3. Contact me
4. Install/uninstall
5. Other Info
6. Legal jargen


When using wargear in skirmish the S.O.B. and dark eldar comander's texture are not correctly loaded by the game. this is a HARDCODED error which i can not fix. If anyone can find a work around e-mail me.
Sync errors can occur on multiplyer if the connection is slow. This can be fixed by turning on AI highspeed and turning off wincondition that state "Don't use if you experience heavy lag or sync errors in multiplayer games"
If you still get sync errors in multiplyer make all players open up the AIControlPanel.exe and click reset then apply and try again.

2.1. CHANGES 0.0-1.0:

-Removed all unit limits
-Added wargear to each race
-Increased max resource cap's including faith and souls
-Allows most units to be transported by webway, ordital relay and sacrifical circal
-All members of a squad can be upgraded with better weapons

2.2. CHANGES 1.0-1.1

-Necron wargear bug fixed
-Squad, support and other redundent reseaches removed
-SS Auto Abilitys added
-New win condition added to skirmish (Exterminatus)
-Exterminatus = Nothing must servive the holy light of the emporer ( kill everything to win )

2.3. CHANGES 1.1-1.2

This is the description of the AI skirmish mod

What's new in Dawn of Skirmish SS AI 3.0?

o New AI's for Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle
o Old races ported and optimized for SS
o AI harassing improved
o AI attacks more often
o AI upgrades heavy weapons and leaders more often
o Builders can assist with building and repair friendly buildings and vehicles
o Heroes Special Mod updated with new races and campaign
o New Massive Battles Mod to increase army size of all players
o New Fortress Mod to increase strength of turrets, mines and posts if you want more defensive battles
o Countless smaller fixes

Issues: Unfortunately, the unit jumping got a bit unstable in SS. We've fixed it as far as possible,
but we can't give a 100 % guaranty that it's stable on all machines since it's a hard coded
problem, which only Relic can fix.

Extended camera zoom modes
Optional installation feature which adds two files camera_high.lua and camera_low.lua to the Dowai_modData folder.
If you dislike them you can deselect them during installation or just delete them if you already installed them.
The default view is almost the same like vanilla therefore you shouldn't notice much difference until you start
to zoom in or out. Thanks to Alex Gnome for the original discovery of the camera settings.

AI Highspeed Setting
Option set in the game mode panel at the setup of a game.

People who experience heavy lag and sync problems in multiplayer should try this option.
Some AI calculations are simplified or skipped to increase performance.
But beware, the AI could be slightly weaker because of that.

Heroes Special Mod
Option set in the game mode panel at the setup of a game.
Activates the Heroes Special mod which is a rework of CutterShanes exceptional Heroes mod, that specializes
only on the unit experience system. Have a look at the Heroes Special readme file for further information.
There's also a Heroes Special modding document which describes the inclusion and modification of Heroes Special
for other mods.

Fortress Mod
Use this if you prefer defensive games with stronger turrets, mines and fortified listening posts. The AI will
also build more turrets and mines as in normal games.

AI Config Panel

There are several options you can change for each difficulty level to adjust the AI behaviour to you liking.

1.) Dancing
Dancing is the ability to run away with ranged units if they are attacked in melee.
There are three possible settings:
a) Off => Dancing is not used at all
b) Standard => The AI is restricted to only dance with one unit at a time
c) Godlike => The AI will dance with several units at a time if necessary

2.) Attack Delay
This forces the AI to wait with an attack until a specif time has passed.
You can adjust this time in two minute steps from 0 to 20 minutes.

3.) Tech Speed
With an increased teching speed, the AI will spend its resources more on teching than on building troops.
With a decreased teching speed, the AI will spend its resources more on building troops than on teching.

4.) Teching Handicap
A handicap will slow down the teching of an AI. It will also hoard more ressources
instead of spending it immediately for units or buildings.
You can give allies an handicap or opponents. If you give allies a handicap, all
AI's allied with a human player are affected. If you give opponents a handicap, all
AI's not allied with a human player are affected. You can use this behaviour for
example to weaken AI opponents if you don't feel good enough to face them at full
strength. Or you want the exact opposite, a real challenge, and weaken your own
allies, so you have to do more yourselve.

5.) Allow alternative strategies
All AI's have 4 different strategies:

- A solid allround strategy
- A special ranged strategy
- A special melee strategy
- A vehicle fast tech strategy

If alternative strategies are activated, the AIs will choose one of those strategies at the start by
random, though the chances of each strategy are influenced by opponent and map size. If deactivated,
the AI will always choose the solid allround strategy.

6.) Early Harassing
This allows commanders and combat troops to make an attack at an extremly early state to
avoid opposing scout capturing strategic points. If successfull, this can severly cripple
the opponents ressource income and decide the game at a very early state. On the other side,
harassing can also lead to a quick sacrifice of troops, which gives the opponent an advantage.
Harassing is only possible in the first 4 minutes.

7.) Dynamic Production Buildings
The AI normally builds more troop production buildings if it has excess ressources. This allows
often an outproducing of the opponenr who can't replace its losses fast enough.
Bear in mind that the AI might still build more troop production because of other reasons. IG for
example need to build them to increase their squad and support caps. In this case those buildings
are normally only built a bit later. This can also hurt the balance between the races since some
of them are affected more and others less of it.

8.) Build Relic units
If deactivated, the AI won't build any Relic units like the Baneblade from the Imperial Guard or the Chaos

9.) Build turrets
If deactivated, the AI won't build any turrets (except Orc Waagh Banners).

10.) Build mines
If deactivated, the AI won't build any mines.

2.4. Changes 1.3-1.4

-Wargear icons fixed
-AI will now use the unlimited units to there full advantage
-Ork AI has not been modded to fully use its unlimited units for balance reasons
-Monilith slightly harder to destroy
-Artilliry units have unlimited range but are much slower and have a smaller line of sight
-Artilliry units can build protective "Vangaurds"
-New multiplyer wincondition added "Strategic Control"
-Resources are gained every 60 seconds
-Amount is determined by the number of Points held, HQ's built and listening posts built.
-Necrons gain more power from there HQ's then other races.
-Faith, souls and ork pop are unaffected
-Control every Strategic point to win.
-Win condition designed to force Long massive Strategic battles
-Best with Human Vs Human as AI will waste resources trying to build power and upgrading resource income.

2.5. Changes 1.3-1.4

-Fixed dieing army bug.
-Reprogramed AI to use fewer commanders.
-Chaos HQ and Necron generator limits now unlimited.
-given ork artillery unlimited range.
-Fixed some sync errors.
-Fixed tau max req rate

3. Contact me

Please E-mail at so i can see what i need to change, help is always apreseated.


To install open "Mobilize for war.exe" enter the place where you installed Soulstorm and the installer should do the rest
To uninstall open up "unins000.exe" in the Soulstorm folder

5. Other Info

The AI skirmish and hero mods that were in previous mods is now updated for soulstorm and are included.

The AI control panel is found at location stated below, assuming soulstorm is loaded to the default location
C:Program FilesTHQDawn of War - SoulstormMOBILIZE_FOR_WARDataaiAIControlPanel.exe

6. Legal jargan

I am happy for you to use this mod in your own mod just add "I love jonnylove" (or words to that effect) in your thanks or credit list XD and copy in all the people from my thanks list.


Thanks to RavenwingRetribution for the wargear icons ( and apoligize for forgetting you in the version 1.0 thanks list )
And a special thanks to all the members of the AI Skirmish mod team, they are the best modders ever (WORSHIP THEM):-

Thudo (Thudmeizer)..» Team Lead/Coder/Gfx/Bonafied Cheerleader
ArkhanTheBlack......» Lead Coder/Scripter
LarkinVB............» Lead Coder/Scripter/Beta Tester
Corsix..............» Coder
Zenoth..............» Beta Tester
Smokeskin...........» Beta Tester
Dreddnott...........» Beta Tester
Troubadour..........» Beta Tester
ThetaOrion..........» Beta Tester
Malkor..............» Beta Tester
Inquisitor..........» Beta Tester/Assistance with camera mod
FinalDeath..........» Beta Tester
QuietDeath..........» Beta Tester
JBird...............» Beta Tester
Slash...............» Beta Tester