Quote:This is a collection of 4 win conditions that I have made recently. 2 are new game types and will give you new ways to beat your enemies, 1 is something to add a bit of spice and 1 is something that a fair group of people will find useful!
As I made 4 I figured that I might as well put it into a mod than create 4 separate files.
Hopefully this will inject some variety into your games of Dawn of War!
Although I've only tested with Dark Crusade and Soulstorm... I'm reasonably sure that this will work with anything from DoW Vanilla onwards. I think it should be compatible with any mods too, as nothing is used by name.
Readme File:
Hello and Welcome to the Fuggles Win Condition Mod!
This is a mod which brings together a set of win conditions that I've recently made:
Land Grab - A timer is set depending on how many players are present - when the timer expires whomever holds the most land wins. If there is a tie it moves to sudden death.
King of the Hill - You earn points for the number of points you own each second, first to 5000 wins
Booby Traps - each player has mines randomly scattered before the match
No More Games - If the eldar just has webway gates then they are killed.
Full readme's are also included here, but to install put the folder and .module into either your Dark Crusade or Soulstorm root directory. The Fuggles Win Condition Mod should now be available in the Game Manager.
If you like these mods and want to use them in your own mod then feel free, I only ask that you let me know and give me some credit.