Readme File:
Hello and welcome back to Kronus!
This is a 7 player FFA map designed to replicate the Dark Crusade Metamap in appearance and also by way of having certain territories which when captured grant you bonuses- If you are not sure which ones, then look for the CP's on the map, or fire up the DC campaign and have a look.
This was my first map really that I ever textured or made 100% original SCAR for- I hope you enjoy it, it was a lot of fun to make.
In this file there is now only one Kronus map, rather than 7 as in the original, and the only change is to the SCAR file which now supports the units from:
Dark Crusade
Soul Storm
Inquisition Daemonhunt
Steel Legion
Firestorm over Kronus
To install, extract this archive to either
C:Program FilesTHQDawn of War - Dark CrusadeDXP2Datascenariosmp
C:Program FilesTHQDawn of War - SoulstormDXP2Datascenariosmp
Although note that you may have to create these folders or adjust the paths if you have installed to a non-default area.
Critical Locations
If you capture the critical points you will be granted with bonuses, just as in the Dark Crusade Campaign. If you hear the warning siren then pay attention to who holds which area - it may save your life! If you can help it, then don't let a player hold one of these for too long.
Pavonis - This location offers the player an orbital relay which offers you deepstrike (plus normal options if playing as Space Marines). If destroyed it will respawn after a short period.
The Vandean Coast - This lovely location offers the player who controls it a power boost every minute.
The Eres Badlands - Under the baleful gaze of a chaos icon, the player who takes this point will find themselves moving at increased speeds in their urge to attack.
The Ariel Highlands - Whoever owns this piece of pie will find themselves gifted with requisition from the mines every minute.
The Aceria Forests - This verdant location will gift the owner with an increase in the maximum unit cap that they may build.
The Hyperion Peaks - ALTHOUGH this land is somewhat inhospitable and largely unaccessable via vehicle, if you make the effort you will find that you are gifted with increased repairing powers and the occasional builder.
Thanks to the following:
I would like to thank my testers Horusheretic, xblooydmessx, Admiral Drewford and Vlad for their time and attentions and also whoever made the textures I have borrowed - Lord knows where they came from :(
My galpal, for threatening but not ACTUALLY leaving me as I neglected her for this adventure.
Pinky appears courtesy of the kind permissions of Dr.Badman - Thanks!!