Readme File:
Absolute Enhancment Mod 4.1

For regular EAW (NOT FOC)

1. New units
2. Gameplay changes
3. Map changes
4. installation
5. Thanks.

Welcom to version 4.1. There have been many additions since version 3.1. There have been over 72 planets added, many space units and land units. also more hero characters and most ships now have fighter complements and all ships have been revised. Commanders play a large role with bonuses now, so killing them is a priority. Make sure you read the planet details since it will tell you what you can build where. All units are clearly defined as to their ability in reference to a similar craft so you know how good or bad it is. No matter what you build It will all fit in the build tray at the bottom of the screen, so dont worry, have fun :)

- All ships have been scalled as accurately per canon as much possible including fighters which are now smaller and space Tactical have been increased to 36.

New ships and fighters:

- Executor SSD with Battlegroup

- MC104 Battlecruiser with Battlegroup

- Corellian Battlecruiser

- Praetor Battlecruiser (imperial only)

- Mediator Heavy Cruiser

- Allegiance class

- Dominator Interdictor/Destroyer (imperial only)

- Corellian Destroyer

- Republic Destroyer

- Imperial star destroyer MK.2

- MC90 Cruiser

- Recusant

- Providence

- MC80 type 1 Cruiser

- MC80 type 2 Cruiser

- Interceptor IV Frigate

- IPV system patrol craft

- Dauntless Cruiser

- Geonoshian Cruiser

- Victory II Destroyer

- Corellian Frigate

- Munificient

- CC-7700 Rebel interdictor cruiser

- MC40 Light Cruiser

- Venator cruiser

- Assault Frigate MK.1

- Carrack

- Nebulon B frigate (Empire)

- Nebulon B-2 frigate

- Lancer frigate

- Imperial strike cruiser

- Escort Carrier (TIE) (Empire only)

- Escort Carrier (TIE Int.) (Empire only)

- Quasar Fire Class Carrier

- Improved correllian Gunboat

- Droid Tri Fighters

- V-wing Fighter

- Vulture Droid Fighter

- Naboo Fighter

- Clawcraft

- Cloakshape fighter

- R-41 star chaser

- Scimitar bomber

- Eta-2 fighter

- T-wing fighter

- Virago/starviper

- E-wing fighter

- Arc-170 bomber

- B-wing bomber

- K-wing bomber

- Tie advanced fighter

- Tie Defender fighter

- Missleboat bomber

- Gunboat bomber

- Bothan Spies

New Land Units:

- Jedi Knight

- Sith Lord

- B-1 Battledroids

- B-2 Battledroids

- B-3 Battledroids

- AAT Tank Company

- Droideka's

- L.A.A.T



- T4B-S

- T3B-S

- TIE Avenger ground

- TIE Int. Ground

- X-wing ground Fighter

- Nantex Ground Fighter

- Tie fighter G/T ground fighter

- T3-B tank

- Anti Air AAC-1

- AT-AP walker

- Air skiff

- Swamp speeder

- Spec Force Company

- Shock Trooper Company

- EWEB Troopers

- Imperial Elite Guard

New Hero Companies:

- Guri Female assassin

- Princess Leia

- Kyle Katarn

- Mara Jade

New Buildings:

- Medium Factory

- Financial Center

- Sith Temple

- Jedi Accademy

- Droid Works

- Fighter Facility

- Advanced weapons Facility

2-a. Important Gameplay changes:

- Raised population cap to 36 for fleet battles and maxed out the landing zone you start with on all maps to 10.

- Fleet commanders now provide a 50% sight bonus, 25% attack and defense bonus, and 10% speed bonus, now flag ships are important targets :)

- Field commanders now provide a 50% sight bonus and 25% attack and defense bonus, youll need this to be able to spot the new improved turbo laser towers before you get in their firing range.

- Most Named hero units have either field or fleet commander bonus and some build reduction bonus, read heros descriptions in game. example: obi wan has field commander bonus, colonel veers has field commander bonus, and akbar has build cost reduction and fleet commander bonus, and many more heros have bonuses.

- Click on planet info button after you zoom in on planet for special build abilities. it's a blue bar on the right side of the screen and the build abilities are at the end of the planet description.

- swamp speeder and scout bikes can capture reinforcement points and build pads.

- At-St is now a tech level 2 build, the Rebel counter part at tech level 2 is the T-3B. They both stomp the crap out of T-2B's and 2-M hover tanks which are both now level 1 vehicles which are meant to be anti infantry and have high mobility.

- Much more effective land based turbo laser towers, and placement. You will need artillery, fighters or destroy the generator to deal with them, they are formidable and worth building :)

- Over 70 maps added

- New improved garisons for structures (read building descriptions)

- Read all unit descriptions in game!!! Many of the heros and units have add abilities listed when you click on them or let your curser hover over their symbol.

- units available for ground battles has been rebalanced very slightly, imperials now get the 2-m tank, tie mauler and at-ap first at tech lvl 1, then at tech lvl 2 get the at-st which is more of a match for the T-3b. (read the new tech tree down below)

- Power to weapons slows units speed down but does not drain shields, duration of power to weapons has been shortened in time as not to be over powered, power to shields is most units counter to power to weapons.

- Space stations are much tougher, they are in fact now strongholds in space.

- Ground fighters now can repair at repair stations

- T4Bs now come in a pair of tanks but are much more powerfull and have greater range

- some companies such as at-aa, tie fighter g/t now come in companies of 4 instead of 3.

- read the descriptions of the units, there are valuable clues buried in the descriptions.

- Made it possible for scout bikes and swamp speeder to capture buildpads and reinforcement points, this adds a fast break option at the start of the land battle.

- read the abilities and bonuses granted by the emperor, mon mothma, admiral akbar, moff tarkin, colonel veers and space commanders and field commander, they have changed for the better they give 25 percent offense and defense bonus in space or on ground depending on the hero. field commanders and fleet commander grant a sight range bonus that is incredibly valuable against stumbling on turbo laser towers, you want to be able to spot them before your in range or large fleets of ships when in space... use them.

- corvette class ships are now deadly to fighters and bombers, correllian corvettes, correllian gunboats, tartan cruisers and lancer frigates are devastating to fighters.

- y wings, b wings, k wings, gunboats and missle boats all have ion attack abilities.

- at-ap available at tech level 1, at-st is now improved and available at tech level 2 with a heavy factory. The at-st is more powerfull than before but very balanced considering the new units and changes, its equivalent to the T3-B.

- More than 70 maps added

Space maps:
I redid every space map to be about 50% larger and moved much of the space debris to allow for better combat, added some build pads in space, and raised the space pop cap to 36, any higher than that and it would upset the flow of the game, its been tested.

Land maps:
Land maps have all been redone PROPERLY!!! When you invade you now get 10 reinforcement points at the start and more reinforcement points will allow you to land closer to your advancing army, all the build pads have been moved to better locations such as tactical choke points, as well as the turbo laser towers. speaking of turbo laser towers, they are much stronger than before and are very well placed on the map, definitly worth the 3000 credits, to take them out i suggest artillery units or airstrikes.

4. Easy Installation:


- Super Easy Install:

The easiest way to install this mod is as follows:

1. unzip the contents of the mod folder into your "C:Program FilesLucasArtsStar Wars Empire at WarGameData folder.

2. You can either use a mod launcher to launch the mod or if you have problems with the mod launcher there is a button in the folder that says double click to play AEM, Double click that and you can still play with out mod launcher. Thats it, your ready to play :)

This method works only if your game is installed in the default directory, the alternative method below is still easy but a little more complicated.

- Not So easy Install:

Installation is a simple 3 step process. Follow it carefully and installing the mod will be easy. Before you install this mod make sure you do not have any other mods installed and your game is updated to the most current patch, it may cause a conflict, this goes for any mod. here we go:

1. Unzip the folder, absolute enhancement mod 3.0 to a location you can reach it once done.

2. Find where your empire at war game is installed, by default it is: PROGRAM FILES/LUCASARTS.

3. (a) Once you find that directory, put the mod folder called ART into the PROGRAM FILES/LUCASARTS/STAR WARS EMPIRE AT WAR/GAMEDATA/DATA folder of your game.

(b) After you install the ART folder into your game, Then take the XML folder from the mod and put it in :PROGRAM FILES/LUCASARTS/STAR WARS EMPIRE AT WAR/GAMEDATA/DATA folder of your game.

(c) And last and most important back up your original MASTERTEXTFILE_ENGLISH.DAT File found in PROGRAM FILES/LUCASARTS/STAR WARS EMPIRE AT WAR/GAMEDATA/DATA/TEXT, Now...after you have backed up your original file then take the MASTERTEXTFILE_ENGLISH.DAT File from the mod folder and place it in the PROGRAM FILES/LUCASARTS/STAR WARS EMPIRE AT WAR/GAMEDATA/DATA/TEXT where your original was... Notice you placed it in the text file and not right into the data file, this file gives you the description of all the new units, so if you dont see unit descriptions you know you screwed this part up somewhere. Other than that thats it, your ready to play.

To uninstall:

If you did the easy install:
Just delete the mod called AEM4, thats it :)

If you did the not so easy install:

Remove all the files you added from the mod folder, then take the back up of the original mastertextfile_enlish.dat that you had and replace the modded version with your original, thats it :)

steiner group: for permission to use the following models: Mc90, strike cruiser, lancer frigate, assault frigate 2, cc-7700 intertictor, tie defender, tie advanced, tie interceptor, gunboat, missleboat, b-wing, e-wing, k-wing, T-wing and many more miscilaneous things down to TGA Icons. The Steiner group, I cant thank you enough...

Evillejedi: for permission to use the following models: allegiance star destroyer, mediator cruiser, nebulon b2 frigate. t3b medium tank, all cruiser and frigate class ships. / Evillejedi once again for all the models

LOW for all the tech help from your former members, thanks for the help

and also EAW@filefront members for the help in the forums and testing.

you have advance permission to do so.

if you have any comments or suggestions pls feel free to leave them in the comments page of the mod, if there is a bug let me know, i will fix it asap and release a new version.

thank you,