Readme File:
1 Cred = 1 Sec Mod ReadMe-
This is my first mod and I know that this is a simple mod idea so before any of you get
mad about how simple this is, put into consideration that this is my first mod.
-Makes every last thing inside the game only 1 credit. (doesn't work in Galactic Conquest
except for space stations)
-Unlocks Venator for build at skirmish build staelite (i forget what it is called)
-Everything takes 1 second to build (including turrets and upgrades)
-Turrets are more powerful (the normal laser turret for space doesn't stop firing except
i made it fire slower shots at close range so it is not
-All space and land units are 0 on the population cap so there is unlimited anything
-I think that's it. Enjoy! :)
Reason for this mod-
I just got tired of having to wait and wait for units and not being able to have many
Star Destroyers of Mon Callamaris. So i decided to make this.
Side effects of mod :) -
you will start to think that 1 second takes to long to get a unit (it happened to the
just copy the XML folder into your EaW data folder
(yes this mod is for EaW not FoC i might make 1 for FoC)
Known bugs-
I'm not sure if there are any. If there are just post them here.
Delta_____62 (made the mod)
thanks to the [1stB] clan for testing out the mod
I use xfire more than my email. My xfire is firstbattalion and if you must email me,
my email is greena46607ATearthlinkDOTnet