Quote: Yup It number IV bit of a Delay mainly due to lots of RL rubbish any way...
Plenty Of new Maps I will make this short
Icy Waters
4v4 or 2v2v2v2
4 Bases 2 people spawn in each designed for fixxed positions player 1&2 are in an Ork base 3&4 SM 5&6 Choas/imp/Castle (dont ask) 7&8 Eldar
Jungle Of War
2v2 Small map for jumpers or a nice skirmish on the bridge area
Area 1221
Now This is my favorite mainly due to the 1221 thing (its my number =) not my phone one my lucky one always wins) anyway
3v5 very bunker 149 like not enother remake just same idea base is now a tau/eldar mix with a river in front giving negative cover making attack a complete @!%£%
1,2&3 defend rest attack obviously for fixed play
erm... oh yea
Kara I bridge
I belive thats its name
3v3 i got the idiea from St.Hladric Causeway ( absoltly brilaint 3 hour map Found in CMP) Obviously few people have 3 hours so this is smaller a basic clif with 1 bridge across and another bridge blow to pieces designed for fixed team play i need to stop forgetting these...I know that i did 4 now which is the 4th...
Oh that is 4 Whoops
Enjoy =) as ever feel free to contact me about anything
If anyone asks for the install route...You deserve to die.Seriously though cheak my other packs they all have it
works for DC&SS