1. Unzip the mod to your oblivionData directory
2. When launching the game, click 'Data Files'
3. Double click this mod in the 'Data Files' window to put an 'x' beside it
1. Download the archive to a memorable location
2. Open OBMM, and click the 'Create' button at the bottom of the window
3. Click 'Add Archive' in the middle of this window
4. Navigate to, and select the archive you just downloaded, then click 'Open'
5. When prompted to 'Import omod conversion data,' click 'Yes'
6. Click 'Create omod' at the bottom of this window
7. Double click the mod name in the frame on the right, and the installation script will run
8. The green box will turn blue to let you know the mod has been activated
1. Open your 'Data Files' window and double click this mod to remove the 'x' beside it
2. Delete the .esp from your Data folder
1. Double click the mod name in the right frame
2. When prompted to 'Deactivate this mod' click 'Yes'
3. The blue box will turn green to let you know the mod has been deactivated
4. Right click the mod name, and select 'Delete' to get rid of the .omod file
-Conflicts with the UOP. This mod makes the same changes to MS27 (plus the new content) that the UOP does, so as long as you load this mod after the UOP, you won't have any problems. This mod does not require the UOP.
Will conflict with any mod that touches MS27, the Ayleid statues in Umbacano Manor, Jollring, Matthias Draconis (DB quests not affected), Surius Afranius, Umog gra-Marad, Usheeja, or the Umbacano Manor outside front door.
Known Bugs:
Current in v1.0 - If you bump into the letter on Umbacano Manor's front door, it will fall off. It can still be picked up from the ground, but I can't get it to stay put on the door. There is a note on another door in the Talos Plaza district, which was there in the original game, which uses the same .nif and sits on the door just fine, so I'm not sure how to get it to stay without making a retexture of the static wanted poster, and using that instead.
Please send bugs/problems/issues to me, and I'll do what I can.
Version History:
1.0 - Initial release
Future Plans:
Bug fixes and requests as usual.
Credits / Legal / Use:
The CS Wiki (for their function database)
You may use all parts of this mod freely in any of your own mods, as long as you distribute your mod for free, since this is free. Also, you might let me know when it's done (I might want to try it out :) ). A little citation would be nice, but not required.
DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any damages caused to person or property as a result of this mod. I test all of my mods before releasing, and rest assured I do not create mods with malicious intent.
/Secrets of the Ayleids Closure