Ouvrez le Cheats.ini dans un notepad et remplacer toutes les commandes avec celles que vous voulez utiliser. Le cheats.ini contient déjà des commandes à titre d'exemple.
testingCheatsEnabled - Usage: testingCheatsEnabled |false. Enables/disables testing cheats.
SaveSimAsLooseFile - Sets the save sim mode. Usage: SaveSimAsLooseFile |false or [1|0] (default is false)
ExportAsEAContent - Exports content as EA content. Usage: ExportAsEAContent |false or [1|0] (default is false)
ExportAsPaidContent - Exports content as Paid content. Usage: ExportAsPaidContent |false or [1|0] (default is true)
ShowInteractions - Shows the names of the interactions above all the Sims' heads
Select - Select a particular sim
ShowMoreSocials - Shows 'More...' socials if some do not fit on the top menu
quit - Exits the game
RefreshDnP - Re-loads static Dreams and Promises data
DnPOutputPrimitives - outputs all DnP primitives so that they can be pasted into the dreamNames enum
AssertOnRetestingDnPNodes - Sets the game to assert if the DnP System removes a node when it retests the visible ones
ToggleStringId - Shows the string key after localized text
TriggerShareTutorial - Triggers the sharing tutorialette
RefreshOpportunities - Re-loads static opportunities data
SetHouseholdName - Sets the localization key for the active household's name
SetHouseholdDescription - Sets the localization key for the active household's description
ResetLifetimeHappiness - Resets the lifetime happiness of all the sims in the active household
dialogs - Usage: dialogs |off. Enables/disables dialogs, for soak testing.
spawnerwarnings - Usage: spawnerwarnings |off. Enables/disables 'spawned object proximity warning' dialogs.
DisposeInvalidSimDesc - Deletes all Sim Descriptions that are missing required outfits. Use with caution.
jokePlease - Prints a random joke to the console
World commands:
kaching - Adds $1000 to active household funds
motherlode - Adds $50000 to active household funds
enablellamas - Usage: enableLlamas |off
hideHeadlineEffects - Usage: hideHeadlineEffects |off. Shows or hides talk/thought balloons above Sim heads
resetDnP - resets the dreams and promises manager of the currently selected sim, using -all will reset all sims in current house's DnP managers
resetSim - Usage: resetSim . Returns Sim to a safe, neutral state at their home location
familyFunds - Usage: familyFunds . Sets family funds of named household
speed - Usage: speed <0-4>. Sets game speed. 0 = paused, 4 = ultra speed through current action
ageuptonpc - Usage: ageUpToNPC. Toggles option for toddler who is aging up to be a non-player-controlled Sim in the household
maptags - Usage: mapTags |off. Toggles map tags on and off. This is most noticeable in Map View
cleanhouseholds - Cleans up non-instantiated Sims in all households (except for the Service household)
piemenu - pie menu utilities
lifetimehappiness - Adds 50000 spendable lifetime happiness points to the selected sim.
lookat - only [on/off] - only run lookats for the actor currently selected. scores [on/off] - display lookat scores
killplantableobjects - Deletes all ingredients and plantable non-ingredients in the world.
refreshmotives - Refreshes motives if they have got corrupted
refreshhouseholdthumbnails - [s,m,l,xl,all] Refreshes all of the world's household thumbnails
refreshlotthumbnails - [s,m,l,xl,all] Refreshes all of the world's lot thumbnails
refreshsimthumbnails - [s,m,l,xl,all] Refreshes all of the world's sim thumbnails
sacsdump - dump managed sacs data
playobjectsound - Plays the given audio clip as a positional sound on the active Sim
stopobjectsounds - Kills all object sounds started by playobjectsound
esrbchecks - |clothing|children |off turns periodic ESRB violation checks on or off. Assumes all if type omitted. Toggles if on/off omitted.
loginteractions - Logs all interactions on all Sims to the InteractionQueue channel.
findsimwithoutfit - [instanceId] Finds Sim with given outfit
showbroadcast - Toggles debug draw of all gameplay broadcasters. Usage: showbroadcast
showwalkdist - Toggles debug draw of walk style ranges. Usage: showwalkdist
zoom - Camera zooms to the specified object id.
storyprogression - Sets the story progression mode. Usage: storyprogression
meta - Toggles debug display of meta/local (for autonomy debugging). Usage: meta
debuglots - Toggles debug display of lots (for meta-autonomy debugging). Usage: debuglots
worldbuilderimport - Imports character data from a spreadsheet that is passed in as the first parameter
worldbuilderoutput - Will output the information about the current world needed for the worldbuilder spreadsheet
SaveUniform - Saves out parts of the current outfit
LoadUniform - Overlay current sim with named uniform
DeleteAllObjects - Deletes objs of given type. Use: DeleteAllObjects [FullTypeName,Assembly] Ex:DeleteAllObjects Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Toys.Football,Sims3GameplayObjects
exterminate - Kills random Sims.
spawn - Creates random Sims.
debugSocial - true/false turns social debugging on and off
killobject - Deletes a game object. Usage: killobject