These settings are based on L3evo by lpf312, highly modified with dozens of hours of hard work, and released by his permission. I recommend using patch
- completely reworked all weather types for all times
- completely reworked lighting
- reworked color tones and reflections
- modified lightsprite texture added, also modified sky, and tree textures
- depth of field / distance blur added for smoother backgrounds (read guide how to increase or remove it)
- most of the distance greyness/fog removed for clear weathers
- additional version for POWERFUL COMPUTERS (high quality anti-aliasing), guide for weak computers
- a more brightness version added if you find things too dark or use modded road textures
- bonus high contrast/more colorful version if you like it that way
- put all files from the main directory and from 'Misc' folder to the right place, if you have a 'powerful computer', use the files from that folder
- if your game looks too dark or you have modded road textures, install files from 'More brightness' folder
- choose 'Bonus version' for more contrast and saturation
- »> FOR MORE FPS «< open enbseries.ini and set ForceAntialiasing=true to =false and for additional performance set EnableAmbientOcclusion=true to =false
- you can try my commandline.txt or your own, see which one gives better performance
To remove or increase depth of field:
- open and edit the enbeffect.fx you are using and search for the following line:
- to remove depth of field set the last value to 0.0 and to increase set it to 1.5 or 2.0 or 3.0 etc. and save file
- all versions have antialiasing on so the game menu will be oversized, DON'T PANIC, start the game with Enter and everything will be okay - but you can't change resolution in-game
- all versions are set to 1280*720 in enbseries.ini, DON'T PANIC, if you want a different resolution, change DisplayWidth=1280 and DisplayHeight=720 to your liking like =1920 and =1080, or if you turned anti-aliasing off, turn ForceDisplaySize=true to =false too and you'll be able to set in-game again
- if you still get bad FPS, DON'T PANIC, go and buy a new PC, and blame Rockstar for the bad port (same goes for texture popping and light flickering)
- if your game crashes, PANIC!!! It should work perfectly with patch 4 & 5. Look here for help: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=417918
- if you do everything right, you should enjoy!