To install the files:
1. Ensure that Dragon Age is not running.
2. Download the .dazip file to your desktop (or wherever you like).
3. Open the �daupdater� program in your Dragon Agebin_ship directory (usually C:ProgramsDragon Agebin_ship).
4. Drag-and-drop the file to be installed into the updater window; it should appear in the updater window in the �Content Name� column.
5. Select the content in the updater window by left-clicking on it, then clicking the �Install Selected� button at the bottom of the updater window.
6. Once the �Status� column for the content reads �Installed� close the updater.
7. The content should now be available in-game.
To see the source files in the toolset, load the tal_storage_chest.dadbdata with the Tools/Builder/Load Builder To Builder option.
A note to those requesting additional features: while I am always available for advice and even sample code (like many other BioWare developers), this project is meant to be a jumping off point for community modders, not an ongoing development. My hope is that others will take the basics of what is included in this package and run with it.