1. Look at the mod images to decide which version you prefer.
2. Download the single archive that contains all body shape versions.
3. Use 7zip to open the file. You will see three folders, and a text file.
4. Select the 'textures' and 'meshes' folders (ctrl+click) and then click on 'extract'. A small window will popup, asking where you want the files extracted to. Assuming your Skyrim game hasn't been moved from your Steam folder, and you use Window 7/Vista, you will want to direct it to go to: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Skyrim/Data
Click 'OK' and the files will be installed. If you're on a Mac, or another version of Windows, or you've moved your Skyrim files elsewhere, you'll need to locate your Steam folder/where Skyrim is and extract these two files to Skyrim/Data.
5. (Optional) There is a folder called 'Options'. Inside are various choices, such as Slim, Vanilla, and Nevernude options for these. If you would like to use one of these, just go into one of these folders and follow step 4 again to install it.
6. (Optional) In 'BodySlide' there are files which you can use to customise the body mesh to whatever you like. Be sure to follow the readme included.
7. Go into the TexBlend folder and click on the TexBlend.exe. This should automatically repair neckseams between the body and whatever face texture you use. You may need to reinstall the head texture first if you have used the Seam Removal Kit/TexBlend in the past to fix seams in 2.0.