INI tweaks to make blood stay long enough to enjoy
...DocumentsMy GamesSkyrim.ini
Find [Display] and add this line
fDecalLifetime=900.0000 (or some other number, higher or lower
...DocumentsMy GamesSkyrimPrefs.ini
iMaxDecalsPerFrame=500 (or some other number, higher or lower)
Red Rectangles - Best remedy as far as I'm aware:
1. delete bleedeffects.esp and or blooder combat.esp and any enhanced blood.esps
2. delete bleedeffects.bsa, and or bloodier combat.bsa, and any enhanced blood.bsa's
3. delete data/scripts/ *anything starting with "mk" * which relates to scripts for bloodier combat
delete data/scripts/blood *the WHOLE folder"
4.redownload and install Crimson TIde
5. Make SURE Crimson Tide is lowest on the list, all the way to the bottom
6. If after all that doesn't work let me know... I can double check the file's I've uploaded to make sure nothing was left out by mistake..