Step 1 - (Download Main file) - Download the Main file using the "Download with manager" button. Once it's finished downloading, it will appear under the "Mods" tab, inside the Nexus Mod manager. The texture pack is now included in the main download.

(You may also download the file manually and use the "Add mod from file" option in the Mod Manager. If you're having problems downloading through the Manager, do this instead.)

Step 2 - (Activate the Mod) - Click the mod under the "Mods" tab of the Nexus Mod Manager, then press the "Activate Mod" puzzle piece, located at the upper left corner of the Nexus Mod Manager. Choose your language and the mod will then install normally.

Step 3 - (Load Order) - Download and run the "Better Oblivion Sorting Software" tool. This will organize your .esp plugins into the correct load order. It will help eliminate problems and also notify you if you have a conflicting mod installed. With that said, it is generally best to have Deadly Dragons last in your load order.

Step 4 - (Customize) - Once you are in game, use the "set DDconfig to 1" console command to customize your dragon experience to your personal taste. However if you decide to make changes to these values, any spawned dragons that are in your cell will not be affected by these changes, new dragons must be spawned/encountered to reflect changes you've made. Alternatively, use the shrine inside Dragonsreach.

Step 5 - Go play Skyrim! - However, If you are installing Deadly Dragons in a game where you are already playing & encountering dragons, you MUST wait/sleep inside a player-owned home for 31 days for the changes to take full effect.

To preserve any sort of balance for dragons and spellcasting NPC's, it is "required" you make the following modifications to "ASIS" included .ini files. It is not critical to make your game run properly however.

Go into the "ASIS.ini" file, find the [ModExclusions] header and add "DeadlyDragons.esp"
Go into the "IncreasedSpawns.ini" file, find the [NPCReducedSpawnSettings] header, remove the line "dragon=5". Now, add "Dragon" to the [NPCExclusions] header
Go into the "AutomaticPerks.ini" file, find the [NPCExclusions] header, now add "Dragon" into it.

That's it. Very simple and should take you less than 2 minutes. If you don't do this, MANY dragons will spawn through the Events timer, general NPC spellcasters will acquire spells intended to be used by level +55 dragon types, and all dragons will gain a large number of perks, further increasing there health, damage, and armor values automatically, making them much more difficult by default.