Move required files/folders to the directory where Battlefield 2 is located.
e.g. C:Program FilesEA GAMESBattlefield 2
Open enbseries.ini and change "ProxyLibrary=" to your Battlefield 2 directory.
ATTENTION!: The directory may vary depending on your operating system and different products of Battlefield 2(for instance, package, Steam version, or EA Origin version).
BEFORE moving the files/folders, it is highly recommended that you make a backup for d3d9.dll (because you may need it when you uninstall this tool).
Make sure that you DISABLE anti-alias function in graphics settings of BF2.
Also, make sure that you DISABLE BF2 anti-alias through your graphic chip interface.
ATTENTION!: If anti-alias is enabled, then FXAA Tool doesn't function.
You can check if FXAA Tool is correctly functioning by pressing Pause key to see if the rendering is changed during the BF2 gameplay.
FXAA Tool may not function if you are not using nVIDIA graphic chip.
PunkBuster may kick/ban you from the server during your BF2 gameplay due to either ENBSeries or FXAA Tool. Therefore you may not want to play on the servers where PunkBuster is on (even if you turn off these tools during gameplay, PunkBuster will find it as cheat program. To perfectly disable the tools, replace d3d9.dll to the original one (that you made as a backup).
Delete all the files that you installed and make sure d3d9.dll is replaced with the original one taht you made as a backup.
Use Shift+F12 to enable/disable ENBSeries. For FXAA Tool, use Pause key to switch on/off.
ATTENTION: While these tools are enabled, avoid pressing PrintScreen because it can cause CTD (crash to desktop).
If you want to take screenshots, use screenshot tools (for example, Steam screenshot feature).
Asjustment of graphic settings
You may edit enbpalette.bmp to adjust ColorCorrection feature of ENBSeries.
You may launch FXAA_Tool.exe to adjust post processesof FXAA Tool.
Taking advantage of other graphic features:
Besides the features provided by ENBSeries and FXAA Tool, you also can use some graphic features by doing the procedure below.
1) Enabling Ambient Occlusion by using "nvidiaInspector"
Only if you are using nVidia graphic chip, you can use nvidiaInspector (which is third-party-made tool) to enable Ambient Occlusion during BF2 gameplay.
By enabling Ambient Occlusion, all the objects now have detailed shades.
It may enhance the shades you may see inside a building, but it may influence the performance of your computer.
(This readme omits the description of how to download/install nvidiaInspector)
Run nvidiaInspector and change BF2 profile settings as below:
Ambient Occlusion compatibillity: choose "0x00000003 (Fallout 3)"
Ambient Occlusion setting: choose one of "Performance, Quality, High Quality"
Ambient Occlusion usage: choose "Enable"
By doing these procedures, you may enable Ambient Occlusion.
However, it not may work unless you are using graphic chip/driver that are relatively new.
2) Adjust/change FOV by using "WidescreenFixer"
You may change FOV(field of view) by using WidescreenFixer (which is third-party-made tool).
It doesn't increase graphic quality by changing FOV but you might feel so because it enables BF2 to render more objects.
(This readme omits the description of how to download/install WidescreenFixer)
Select aspect ratio you may use (if you want to play BF2 in 16:9 ratio, select 16:9).
Keep WidescreenFixer launched and launch BF2.
Press the hotkey you selected at WidescreenFixer to enable AFTER the map loading is completed.
3) Enabling "Fake HDR" during BF2 gameplay
You can use Fake HDR (which is hidden graphic feature of BF2) by adding some lines into BF2 setting file.
Fake HDR will enhance and render more clearly the lighter fields/objects/places.
Open Battlefield 2modsbf2 folder and open gamelogicinit.con by Notepad.
(e.g. C:Program FilesEA GAMESBattlefield 2modsbf2gamelogicinit.con)
In any row of the file, insert lines below:
renderer.glowEnabled 1
renderer.glowStrength 1
renderer.fakeHDREnabled 1
renderer.fakeHDRPassGate 0.25
renderer.fakeHDRweights 0,0.025,0.05,0.075,0.1,0.075,0.05,0.025,0
You may enable Fake HDR by doing these procedures.
Some PC might enable Fake HDR for the first time of map loading after you enabled the feature, but it may enable after the second time when BF2 loads a map.
Copyrights information
Any rights that are related to these tools are described in the notepad file in "ENBSeries Readme and License" and "FXAA Tool readme and License" folders.
ENBSeries and FXAA Tool is made by other people, and you must follow the provided terms of licenses of the respective tools upon redistribution/modification.
Basically, you can redistribute these files and you also can redistribute adjusted setting files.
We DO NOT accept any questions or claims about these tools.