Collect materials gathered in the province of Skyrim to repair a derelict farm, or hire construction workers to do the job for you.
Grow plants and crops
Use the farmyard to grow food for your travels. This can be useful for Realistic Needs and Diseases users that want their own farm as a source for food. A repaired meadery meanwhile can provide a nice source for your own brewed mead as well.
Earn gold
Your farm and meadery isn't just a source of food and ale. Every five days you will be able to collect the farms earnings, providing you a nice amount of gold to help with your adventures in Skyrim.
Proudly show your affiliation with the Stormcloaks or Imperials around the farm, or fly a more simple banner around your farm for decoration.
Exterior Lighting
No need to be afraid of the dark. Walk up to one of the light posts outside the farm to turn on or turn off your farms lanterns to illuminate the property for the night.
Compatibility and Requirements
Requires the latest version of Skyrim as well as the Hearthfire DLC.
Furthermore, this mod will not be compatible with any mod that alters the cell it is located in (the cell next to the Loreius farm and Heljarchen Hall). Because of this, it will also not work well with any mod that makes drastic changes to the Skyrim landscape such as Seasons of Skyrim, Tropical Skyrim, etc.
It also makes some very minor additions to a few inns across Skyrim (pamphlets posted inside inns advertising the sale of the farm), and a vendor inside the Drunken Huntsman who sells the deed to the farm.
RECCOMENDATION: I highly recommend using More plants and recipes by numberland in conjunction with this one. Hearthfire will not allow you to grow things such as tomato plants, juniper trees, apple trees, etc. His/her mod will allow you to do so, a nice addition.
IMPORTANT information regarding the optional file: Due to requests, I have uploaded an alternate version of the mod that includes a few additional rooms inside the cellar for housing a spouse and adopted children. HOWEVER, as a compromise, I have not implemented proper support to move your family properly. A mod such as Custom Family Home will be required to do this. To use the optional file, you will need the latest mainfile as well. Once both the mainfile and optional file have been installed, you must set the Heljarchen Farm Additional Family Room ESP to load after the main one in order to function correctly.