I strongly recommend you to use MO/BAIN/NMM to install.
[MO and NMM user]
Activate and follow the instructions of installation wizard.
[BAIN User]
Open Installers tab, right click, select "Wizard", and follow the instructions of installation wizard.
[Manual installation]
Select and copy the HKX files to:
(Male)Datameshesactorscharacteranimationsmale, mt_walk***.hkx mt_run***.hkx mt_sprintforward.hkx
(Female)Datameshesactorscharacteranimationsfemale, mt_walk***.hkx mt_run***.hkx mt_sprintforward.hkx
(Swimming)Datameshesactorscharacteranimations, swim***.hkx
(Optional)Copy ESP file to Data folder.
[MO and NMM user]
Simply deactivate this mod.
[BAIN User]
Open Installers tab, right click, select "Uninstall".
[Manual Uninstallation]
Delete the HKX files you installed.
(Optional)Delete 360WalkandRunPlus-RunBackwardSpeedAdjust.esp if you installed.