Make sure that your Skyrim installation fits the requirements!
The installation of Skyrim Immersive Creatures is pretty simple. Just make sure your Skyrim Installation fits the mod requirements. For maximum compatibility with other mods consider using Wrye Bash for merging the level list.
Installation & NMM:
If you use NMM for installing and downloading mods, keep in mind that the tool can have a problem with large zip archives. It may take several attempts to successfully install the mod.
Don't report any issues with installing the mod via NMM. Report it to the NMM developers instead. I can't do anything else than provide a functional Installer and working archive anyway.
Installation & MO:
If you use Mod Organizer for installing mods, use the integrated FOMOD installer only.
Installation Steps:
Install the Mod via The Nexus Mod Manager or Wrye Bash
Download or Run BOSS for sorting the load-order & adding bash tags
Recreate your Bashed Patch
Start the game & reset the cells (only if the mod is installed into a savegame)
Update Steps:
Before updating go to an interior and save your game
Reset the ingame cells and save the game
Close Skyrim and deinstall the present version
Install the new version
Run BOSS for sorting the load-order & adding bash tags
Recreate your Bashed Patch & any other dynamic mod files
Start the game, load the interior save & reset the cells
Uninstallation Steps:
Before uninstalling go to an interior and reset the ingame cells
Don't forget to create a backup savegame
Open the SIC MCM menu and run the uninstaller -> follow the steps
Save your game
Close Skyrim and uninstall SIC
Recreate your Bashed Patch & any other dynamic mod files
Open Skyrim and load the save you made AFTER the cell reset
Reset your cells1 again and save the game
1) This time the reset depends on the normal values present in your game. The vanilla settings require you to wait or sleep in an interior for 31 days to reset the ingame cells after uninstalling SIC.
File Details:
Main File:
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp - Main file
Optional DLC Files:
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp - Support file for the DLC Dragonborn
Resource Files:
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.bsa
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.bsa