/ls - Hide/Unhide the interface (still tracks and prints to chatlog (if selected))
/ls help - displays these shortcuts in the chatlog
/ls settings - Opens the settings window.
/ls cleargold - Clears the Gold Tracking statistics.
/ls clearlog - Resets all log activity and tracking statistics
/ls memcheck - Displays the current memory usage of the addon
/ls memclear - Optimizes the memory for the addon
/ls who - displays author information
/chatlog - ESO Command to log chat text to a file. Use this to view your gold and looted items, outside the game. Until a file can be created using the API this will have to satisfy your needs for a log. All Loot Summary Events will start with ---> so you can parse them out pretty quick. Also since we use the game linked item it creates an ID for the items that can later be used to itemize things in websites or parsed logs.
Summary Window Menu Buttons
(CL) - Clear Log
(CG) - Clear Gold Stats
(ST) - Open Settings Window
(X) - Hide Main Window (re-display with /ls)