- Texmod is required to load the TPF file.
- Texmod does not work with dx11 features enabled. You will need to disable this feature as outlined by Sam_Wayne93:
"Go to your Batman Arkham Origins Folder
Batman Arkham OriginsSinglePlayerBMGame
open the file BmEngine.ini and find the line 'AllowD3D11=True' and replace it with 'False', then save"
I recommend making a backup of any files you change just in case.
- STEAM USERS may encounter some issues getting Texmod to load correctly. I have to follow the following process to engage both loading and logging capabilities.
#1 - You will quite possibly need to go to your Batman Arkham Origins Folder in steamapps, Batman Arkham OriginsSinglePlayerBinariesWin32 folder.
#2 - IMPORTANT - Make a backup of your BatmanOrigins.exe just for safety.
#3 - Next, you will need to rename the BatmanOrigins.exe to something like BatmanOriginsOriginal (doesn't matter what you call it really).
#4 - Rename the Texmod.exe to BatmanOrigins.exe and place it in the Binaries/Win32 folder with the other .exe
#5 - When you start the game through steam as normal, TEXMOD should pop-up at this point. Set the Target Application as your newly titled ".exe" (in my case BatmanOriginsOriginal.exe), load a TPF mod by clicking the red "X" and browsing for the file you want, and enjoy.